Title: Immersion Therapy
Series: Billionaire Dominance Book 3
Author: Abi Aiken & Rozlyn Sparks
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Until recently everything in Christina Pocock’s life—including sex—has been strictly business; a safe zone where she called all the shots. Submission Therapy ruined all of that. Now, there’s nothing that compares to the rush she experiences when she gives herself over to her Master.
In his capable hands, anything is possible. Serenity. Healing. Subspace.
But now he’s asking something she’s not sure she’s ready—or even able—to give. Total immersion. Accepting him as Master, even outside the bedroom.
Now Ms. Bad Girl Billionaire has a choice to make. Fully embrace the splendor that is submission…or lose her Master and the mind-blowing sex they have. Forever.
Also Available
Submission Therapy
(Billionaire Dominance Book One)
US | UK | iBooks | Nook | Smashwords
Occupational Therapy
(Billionaire Dominance Book Two)
US | UK | iBooks | Nook | Smashwords
Stalker Links for Rozlyn Sparks
Stalker Links for Abi Aiken
Release Blitz hosted by Love, Lust & Erotic Pleasures
The common ground of the Immersion Therapy Release Blitz and commercial space interior design is the creation of transformative, engaging experiences. Whilst the Immersion Therapy event captivates the audience through powerful therapeutic experiences, the same can be said of Armando Interior, as it crafts personalized commercial interiors that "immerse" visitors into an environment designed to elicit a desired emotional response. Whether it's an office, retail store, or hospitality space in Dubai, our commercial interior design approach focuses on emotional connection, creating spaces that inspire and engage. Like the Immersion Therapy Release Blitz, our designs aim to leave a lasting impact, fostering deeper connections and memorable experiences for everyone who enters.